Intuitive Energy Healing

Intuitive Energy Healing
Release Your Inner Healing Potential with Intuitive Energy Healing

  • Are you tired of feeling stuck and unable to move forward?

  • Do you feel like you're wearing a mask of happiness when you're really feeling pain, regret, or anger from past experiences or trauma inside?

Our physical bodies are a reflection of our lives and experiences, and unhealthy energetic patterns and negative energy may be the source of your pain. During our 30-minute phone session, I will use my intuitive abilities to assess your energetic state and identify the origin of your blockages, removing the confusion in your nervous system–blocking you from true healing.

Just like a healthy diet and frequent exercise keeps your body strong and healthy, proper and frequent maintenance of your energy and emotional body is crucial to your health. 

My work promotes a free and smooth flow of internal energy in your body, its systems and, in turn, your outward life. By eliminating the unseen baggage of negative energy, you can experience true relief from physical pain, untether from emotional stress and trauma, and finally have the resolve and focus to dismantle behaviors that sabotage your health and happiness. Schedule your intuitive energy healing session now and unleash your inner healing potential.

Say goodbye to negative energy and hello to a happier, healthier you - schedule your intuitive energy healing session today!

Energy Healing is ideal if:

  • You’re struggling to set boundaries with friends and family, leading to feelings of exhaustion and depletion.

  • You feel stuck and lost in your life and are looking for guidance and direction.

  • You frustrated with chronic pain, anxiety, overwhelm, or lack of direction.

  • You who feel weighed down by pain, regret, or anger from past experiences or trauma.

  • You’re forced to put on a mask of positivity despite feeling the opposite inside.

  • You’re uncertain about where to start or what changes to make in order to improve your life.

The Details

  • I'll send you a Zoom link to join me. We'll keep the video off, like a phone call, and start by briefly discussing the focus of the session.

  • You can sit comfortably or lay down in a distraction-free place. I'll tune in to your body and see what part is seeking attention or where there might be energetic congestion. I’ll use various tools and techniques to address any blockages, patterns, beliefs, emotions, or issues that may come up, and I'll let you know what's happening along the way.

  • Most people feel very calm, peaceful, and relaxed during the session. At the end of the session, we'll check in again, and I'll make sure you don't have any questions.

  • The session will end promptly after 30 minutes. Don't worry if you're new to energy healing - I'll guide you through the process, and you can always ask me anything you're curious about. 

  • $150 per session // Package of 3 is $ 405 (Save $45)

Mini FAQ

  • Before your session, take a few minutes to set an intention for yourself. Think about what you'd like to achieve or release during the healing session. This can help focus your energy and bring clarity to the healing process.

    It's also important to have a calm and peaceful room where you can lie down or sit comfortably and won't be disturbed during the session. I recommend drinking water before and during the session to help ensure your energy flows smoothly.

  • We all have our own unique healing journeys, and it's difficult to predict how many sessions will be needed for each person. Sometimes, one session can create a significant positive change, while in other cases, multiple sessions may be needed to achieve the desired results. My goal is to support you on your journey and help you achieve lasting positive change. Together, we'll work to determine the best path forward based on your individual needs and circumstances.

  • During your energy healing session, we will work on your energy body using a variety of different techniques to promote balance, relaxation, and healing. We'll be clearing any blockages or imbalances in your energy field. Just like your physical body accumulates toxins, your energy body can also become contaminated with negative thoughts, emotions, and patterns that create imbalances. By connecting with your subconscious mind, we'll reveal and clear the underlying causes of any physical or emotional difficulties you may be experiencing. Throughout the session, you may feel physical sensations, experience emotions or gain insights as the energy shifts and releases. The goal of the session is to promote overall well-being and support your body's natural ability to heal itself.

  • After an energy healing session, people commonly report feeling a sense of calmness and relaxation, reduced stress and anxiety, improved sleep, increased energy and vitality, enhanced mental clarity and focus, and a general feeling of well-being. However, experiences can vary from person to person, and some people may not notice any immediate effects but rather experience more subtle, long-term changes. It's important to approach energy healing with an open mind and a willingness to let the process unfold naturally.


I booked the intuitive energy healing sessions because my anxiety levels were extremely high, I was experiencing dizziness, having trouble sleeping and I had gained weight. I felt scared that I wouldn't be able to handle normal life anymore, as everything felt like a huge effort. I didn't want to socialize or go out because I found everything very tiring, and I often felt like I was in a brain fog. It would take me ages to do things, and I just wasn't feeling like myself. Ginette helped me get my life back. I booked the 3 session package and felt such a change that I continued and booked 3 more. I'm sleeping better, and I've managed to lose some of the weight I had previously gained. I no longer feel scared about handling normal life, as I have more energy and feel less fatigued. I've even started to socialize and go out with friends again, which is a massive win for me.

Rory D. Ireland


My anxiety levels have gone way down, since the energy healing session and I feel so much more relaxed. What's even more amazing is that things and people that would typically trigger me are no longer having the same effect.  It's like I have a newfound sense of calm and inner peace. It's been an incredible experience, and I highly recommend giving it a try.
Beth S. New York


I used to be someone who would worry and overthink everything and hold onto things for too long. But after my intuitive energy healing session, I feel like I've finally learned to let go and can be more present in the moment.
Laura K. Texas